Fórum de Discussão: o retorno a uma utopia realizável - a Universidade do Minho como projecto aberto, participado, ao serviço do engrandecimento dos seus agentes e do desenvolvimento da sua região

terça-feira, setembro 07, 2010

"An introductory course of economics should be taught as if it was the last class to be delivered"

“[According to O`Sullivan and Sheffrin] an introductory course of economics should be taught as if it was the last class to be delivered to a student.
As this happens with the majority of the students, to deal with it the authors should envisage to teach them how to practice economics, whose best way is to focalize in a few main concepts and ideas and apply them repeatedly in different circumstances.”

(excerto de comunicação a apresentar em "Economists of Education: international conference", a decorrer em Santiago de Compostela entre 8 e 10 de Setembro)

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