Fórum de Discussão: o retorno a uma utopia realizável - a Universidade do Minho como projecto aberto, participado, ao serviço do engrandecimento dos seus agentes e do desenvolvimento da sua região

quarta-feira, setembro 09, 2009

IFKAD 2010 - Call for Papers

"Intellectual Capital in a Complex Business Landscape"
Matera, Italy - 24th - 25th June 2010

official website:


Dear Josè Cadima Ribeiro,
This is the call for papers for the 5th International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics - IFKAD 2010 on the theme of "Intellectual Capital in a Complex Business Landscape" - which will be held in Matera (Italy) on 24-25 June 2010.
The IFKAD is one of the leading events in the research and management of Intellectual Capital, Intangible Assets and Knowledge-Based development. The IFKAD2010 focuses on the relevance of intellectual capital research and management practices for addressing complexity, uncertainty and changes of today's business landscape. Nowadays private and public organizations have to face uncertainty, crisis, change, turbulence, and high competitive pressure. In this context it is critical to understand the role of intellectual capital and particularly what are the key intangible and knowledge assets to be developed and managed in order to deal with the fluidity of business.

Please note following important dates:
- Deadline for structured abstract submission 30 January 2010
- Decision and communication of abstract acceptance 01 March 2010
- Early-Bird registration cut off 20 April 2010
- Regular registration deadline 05 June 2010
- Forum sessions 24 - 25 June 2010

Submission can be done:
directly by uploading your material through our website www.knowledgeasset.org/IFKAD
or by sending it attached to an e-mail to info@knowledgeasset.org

Please, we would appreciate if you could promote the event in the network of your colleagues.

Thank you for your interest
Yours Sincerely
IFKAD 2010 organization managers»

(reprodução integral de mensagem de correio electrónico entretanto recebida, com a proveniência que se identifica)

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