Fórum de Discussão: o retorno a uma utopia realizável - a Universidade do Minho como projecto aberto, participado, ao serviço do engrandecimento dos seus agentes e do desenvolvimento da sua região

segunda-feira, agosto 21, 2006

"New technology in schools: is there a payoff?"

“Despite its high relevance to current policy debates, estimating the causal effect of Information Communication Technology (ICT) investment on educational standards remains fraught with difficulties. In this paper, we exploit a change in the rules governing ICT funding across different school districts of England to devise an instrumental variable strategy to identify the causal impact of ICT expenditure on pupil outcomes. The approach identifies the effect of being a ´winner` or a ´loser` in the new system of ICT funding allocation to schools. Our findings suggest a positive impact on primary school performance in English and Science, though not for Mathematics.
We reconcile our positive results with others in the literature by arguing that it is the joint effect of large increases in ICT funding coupled with a fertile background for making an efficient use of it that led to positive effects of ICT expenditure on educational performance in English primary schools.”

Stephen Machin (University College London, CEE, CEP, London School of Economics and IZA Bonn)
Sandra McNally (CEE, CEP, London School of Economics and IZA Bonn)
Olmo Silva (CEE, CEP, London School of Economics, European University Institute and IZA Bonn)

Keywords: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), pupil achievement
Date: 2006-07
URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:iza:izadps:dp2234&r=edu

(resumo de “paper” disponível no sítio referenciado)

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