Fórum de Discussão: o retorno a uma utopia realizável - a Universidade do Minho como projecto aberto, participado, ao serviço do engrandecimento dos seus agentes e do desenvolvimento da sua região

quarta-feira, junho 21, 2006

"Bolonha: far from a model, just a process for a while.../concluding remark"

“In a famous 2002 article, Pfeffer and Fong, two American professors, expressed very critical views against US business schools. Among other negative points, they argued that « large body of evidence suggests that the curriculum taught in business schools has only a small relationship to what is important for succeeding in business»
Many European universities today are devoting considerable amount of time and energy to redesign their curricula. As a famous economist (Keynes) used to say: «politicians are often victims of economists who are already dead».During this key transition phase, let us have a close look at our dominant competitors and, instead of copying them, identify what in our educational tradition is of great value to the future. And there are many… let us simply be creative and never forget that if market forces can certainly help introduce some movements and reforms in our often conservative academic institutions, education is fundamentally a public good which takes decades to build up and never benefits from «quick fix» solutions.”

Mottis, Nicolas (ESSEC Business School)
Keywords: AACSB; Accreditation; Bologna Process; Business Education; EFMD; MBA; Ranking JEL: A20 I21 I23 M53 Date: 2006-0
URL: http://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:ebg:essewp:dr-06006&r=edu

(extracto de conclusão de “paper”; nep-edu, 2006)

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